Lockdown level 3: Back to work and facing the “new” normal
AVK has all the necessary safety precautions in place to protect the wellbeing of our employees and customers alike, during the Covid-19 pandemic. 15-06-2020
AVK Southern Africa has remained opened for business during the Lockdown period, as an essential service provider, and we continue to remain operational throughout the phased level Lockdown regulations. Our warehouse/operations and production teams are enabling us to manufacture and dispatch goods onsite.
Our sales and admin teams remain fully equipped to assist our customers. AVK offer complete support for all public health and safety requirements by keeping teams connected while working apart.
All AVK Southern Africa employees and customers who enter our premises are screened on a daily basis. Please remember, you are part of the solution to slow COVID. AVK Southern Africa have very strict safety measures in place to protect our AVK family and it is a requirement that all visitors wear a mask and go through the screening process when collecting goods or performing inspections at our premises.
AVK Southern Africa reassure all our customers of our commitment to meet our customer requirements, throughout the lockdown period and beyond.
Thank you for your continued partnership.
Stay Safe, Stay Well and Stay Healthy.
Yours Sincerely
AVK Management Team