Flanged Butterfly Valves

Flanged Butterfly Valves

AVK Southern Africa to the rescue 17-03-2021

Early October 2020 a client ordered 2 x Flanged Butterfly valves drilled according to SANS1600/3. Upon delivery and installation phase the consultant discovered that the pipe flanges and valve flanges had different flange drillings and was therefore unable to fit the valves.

Customer contact a third party closer to the required site installation in the Venda area to assist in changing the valve flange drilling to match the pipe flange drilling. The third party lacked the required expertise to remedy the situation and unintentionally caused damage to the valves.

The fitment of the valves was urgent to avoid any delays in the project tight timeline and a resolve had to be agreed upon with the customer very quickly. In December 2020 during AVK Southern Africa’s annual factory shutdown period, the customer contact Danie Breedt from AVK Southern Africa Water Division for urgent assistance.

The AVK PVE factory team took on the task of repairing the damage and correctly matching the valve flanges to SANS 1000/3 to tie in with the pipe flanges.

The results were a very satisfied customer and a BIG thank you to a great team effort by AVK PVE factory and AVK Southern Africa logistics department.