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A wealth of free online knowledge and learning resources at your fingertips

The AVK Southern Africa digital platform is packed with resources that can help you understand valves and fittings and their many applications. These resources include instructional videos, articles, case studies and documents to download. 31-03-2020

The AVK ‘Product Finder’ can take you straight to detailed technical information on industrial and water products. The ‘AVK World’ visualisation illustrates the key applications for AVK products and provides direct links to the technical resources associated with those products.

You can access all this technical information today for free

For example:

If there is a question you still can’t answer, send it to and one of our experts will contact you with the answer.

If you have a specific application and you want to understand the pros and cons of the different valve types and configurations open to you, contact our technical expert here and we will help you understand your options.

If you have an existing, valve configuration that is causing you problems, you can discuss your challenge with an AVK sales project engineer: Email Project Engineer

Whatever you do in these difficult times, stay safe. After that, why not take the opportunity to refresh you knowledge and understanding of AVK Southern Africa products and brands.

The future will belong to those who plan for it today.


AVK Southern Africa corporate video