COVID-19 Coronavirus

Statement on COVID-19 Coronavirus from the AVK Southern Africa 19-03-2020

The health of AVK’s customers, employees and partners is our highest priority, therefore after reviewing Global precautions and the recommendations from the World Health Organisation (WHO), our own South African and other relevant International Governments, AVK Southern Africa have put a number of measures in place to mitigate where possible, all risks associated with the COVID-19 Coronavirus

These include but are not restricted to

  • Guidance to all employees on handwashing and personal space 
  • Guidance on handling products and raw materials 
  • Restriction on travel to and from Global risk areas 
  • Guidance on attending large public gatherings 
  • Encouraging virtual rather than face-to-face meetings where appropriate 
  • Guidance on actions should contact or infection be suspected.

AVK are a valued and responsible partner in the Global Water, Wastewater and Industrial Solutions sectors; as such we are making every effort to mitigate the impact and the effect of such eventualities.

This statement may be updated as and when the need arise.